
All experts waiting to help you

Meet our 246 exhibitors

There will be a whole range of exhibitors at Prowood, with expertise in automation and handling, drying equipment, fastening systems, packaging, etc.

In the future, the workers in the industry will increasingly become the most important factor in production, and it is therefore necessary to support them in order to safeguard them. Fleetwood pres...

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) is an international non-profit organisation that was founded in 1993 by forest owners, timber and paper industry, social movements and environmental organisations...

Garnotec, a leading wholesaler since 1993, specializes in importing a wide range of cutting tools for various industries, particularly the woodworking industry. The extensive assortment appeals to DIY...

Meubelbeslag in de ruimste zin van het woord. Onder andere Blum scharnieren en geleiders, led verlichting, schroeven, lijmen, alu profielen. Ook SENCO geniet bij ons volle aandacht. Innovatief maat...

Groothandel in biobased en minerale verf.  Greenpaints is importeur van de Zwitserse kwaliteitsverven van Böhme in de Benelux en dealer van Copperant, KEIM, Lacq/Fluxaf en Sherw...

Toeleveringsbedrijf gespecialiseerd in schuur-en poliermateriaal voor hout en metaal en de desbetreffende machines. Uniek: profielschuurborstels en machines ...

Fabrikant van binnendeuren en verdeler van vloeren (parket, laminiaat, vinyl)       ...