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What makes FixChip® so unique?

FixChip® is more than just a connector—it's a production method.

With FixChip, projects become more automated, requiring fewer operations and achieving greater precision. The result? Improved margins.

We developed the patented FixChip® shape and method by analyzing how CNC nesting machines operate. This method allows the main spindle to handle all operations, ensuring a more automated and 100% accurate process. Watch our promotional film on for a demonstration.

After CNC production, panels can be quickly assembled using FixChips, secured with glue and/or screws.

FixChip® is the only connection method that aligns with the efficiency of CNC nesting machines, remains invisible in the final product, and is fully sustainable.

Are you already FixChipping?
Visit our stand and discover how you can produce more efficiently!

  • FixChip
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