Basins & Baths: the ready-to-use Solid Surface solution

BB Baars & Bloemhoff
08/05/2024 - 16:06

Basins & Baths: the ready-to-use Solid Surface solution

Solid Surface offers endless possibilities for creating complex 3D shapes. But for those unfamiliar with sheet thermoforming, working with Solid Surface can be quite challenging. Fortunately, we have the solution for interior designers who like to work with Solid Surface easily and quickly: the ready-to-use Solid Surface Basin & Baths collection.  

Solid Surface Basin & Baths 

The Solid Surface Basin & Baths collection is ideal for anyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of Solid Surface, but does not yet have the skills or time to get started thermoforming Solid Surface sheets. Thanks to the wide range of basins, sinks and baths, you can easily and quickly bring the benefits of Solid Surface into your home.  

What's in the collection? 

The ready-to-use Solid Surface Basins & Baths collection consists of two parts:  

  • Dutch Design Bowls: a large selection of basins and sinks that fit perfectly in any kitchen or bathroom. Available in renowned brands such as HIMACS® and Getacore®.   
  • Solid Trends baths: the two molded bathtubs from Solid Trends complete the collection. Thanks to the robust Solid Surface material, the baths are a beautiful addition to any bathroom. 

Meet the Decor Kiezer 

To make choosing the right products even easier, we have developed the Decor Kiezer. This handy tool allows you to view and compare the full range of Solid Surface Basins & Baths. You can easily see what different basins and baths look like and which ones will best suit your interior design project. This way, you can be sure that you are making the right choice.  

Explore the complete range of Solid Surface Basins & Baths with our Decor Kiezer. 

Ready to get started?  

Are you interested in our ready-to-use Solid Surface products? Our colleagues are ready to help you! Visit us at booth 1432 and talk to one of our specialists. They can tell you all about the possibilities and provide you with expert advice.  

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