BIOSYNERGY - Woodwaste & Biomass Combustion Systems
BIOSYNERGY is your partner for combusting wood waste & biomass streams into renewable energy.
Our systems burn wood waste (sawdust, bark, chips, pellets,..), dedicated crops (miscanthus,..), and other types of biomass (fruit & vegetable stones, peels and shells, cereal bran, straw, flax, solid residues from brewing and distillation processes,..).
The thermal power is recovered to generate hot air, produce warm or superheated water, unsaturated (wet), saturated (dry) or superheated steam, or to heat thermal oil for the purpose of various industrial or residential applications. Our heat generation systems can be combined with electrical power generation (CHP) and cooling (CHPC).
The BIOSYNERGY team consists of specialists with over 20 years of experience in storage, handling and combustion of wood waste & biomass. Our independence is your guarantee for a tailor made turnkey solution.
We handle projects between 90 KW and 15 MW for clients ranging from SMEs, over public institutions, to multinationals across various industrial and residential sectors.
Contact us for feasibility studies, second opinions, installation, repairs, maintenance, training, or assistance during emission controls or commissioning.

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- Industriezone ROK 52, Pont West 102b, 9600 Ronse, Belgium
- +32 477 87 14 71
- [email protected]